First up, may I thank all you WONDERFUL people who have shopped with us during these horrible past few months.
It seems your enthusiasm for good quality wine, beer and spirits remains undimmed (and your tolerance for our blether seems mystifyingly intact)
Can I also thank the breweries, wholesalers and importers, without whom our shelves would be bare, and for whom Brexit and Covid remain twin existential threats. Despite the very worst of circumstances, they have somehow kept the booze flowing.
Maybe, most importantly can I give another shoutout to Mark, Miles and the various guest stars who stepped in to cover for me when I had to self - isolate. (It’s probably not a great surprise to many of you that business actually improved during my absence) These guys shouldered the burden of working the run up to Christmas a man down - I’m sure anybody in the trade can appreciate just how much work/stress that is.
Anyways, that was Christmas - the point of all this is supposed to be to let you know what we are up to over the New Year period. Despite the Covid restrictions, we are allowed to remain open (it would be a very brave politician who tried to close booze outlets in the run up to Hogmanay)
Our opening hours for this week are..,
Monday 28th 12-9pm
Tuesday 29th 12-9pm
Wednesday 30th 10-9pm
This January break is to allow us to recuperate after a fairly gruelling last few weeks - I hope you wont begrudge us it. It also gives us a bit of time to do some stockcounting (fun!) and make a few minor improvements to the shop interior. So although the shop will remain closed, Mark and myself will be hanging around the place making small talk with shopfitters and trying to work out who drank all the Rothaus marzen without paying for it. (it was me)
Theoretically - I could still do the occasional delivery run during that first fortnight of 2020, but assume any websales will be left to the middle of the month.
And then we will be open for business as usual on Monday the eleventh of January - probably...,
You see, although I am happy to run the business under current restrictions/government advice, circumstances could change: (Indeed, if the bleakest voices are to be believed, they inevitably will)
If they do, I can see us running a websales only/click & collect service for a few weeks.
We’ll see what 2021 brings (hopefully, it will be better than the last twelve months of flaming turderey)
Until then, have yourselves a fantastic Hogmanay evening and we WILL be open all this week.