Riesling is the single greatest grape in the world. Anybody who has spent more than a couple of minutes around somebody who works in the wine trade has probably had this opinion explained to them, most likely in far too much detail, entirely possibly in spite their frantic attempts to escape the conversation.
We're going to devote our next tasting at Little Fitzroy to a brief survey of some of the styles of wine the grape can make and some of the parts of the world where it has found fame. Because of the fact this is a Riesling tasting it's going to consist of 7 glasses of white wine, a few nibbles and some blatant pro-Riesling propaganda. We're going to try to run all the way from bone dry to lusciously sweet but keep in mind there's going to be loads of acidity throughout.
Things will start at 7pm sharp on Thursday 3rd of October in Little Sitzroy, the Little Fitzroy sit-in café on Easter Road.
Tickets cost £20 and are available HERE or over the counter in both shops.
See you there!