Our birthday celebrations will continue on Thursday 7th November, when we will deign to let a handful of you peasants spend a couple of hours in our company as we get stuck into some *really* good stuff.
We will crack open seven wines from the very top shelves - stuff that (even with our staff discounts) we treat ourselves to at the very most once a year, or that we’ve been hankering to revisit ever since a rep poured us a thimbleful at a trade tasting.
The only things linking the selection will be their deliciousness and our enthusiasm for them. The other thing I should stress is that this will be a BREAK EVEN tasting - with all of your ticket price being spent on the booze (less staff costs.)
We will chat through the usual flight of seven glasses of wine, accompanied by a few nibbles to line your stomach.
The tasting will start at 7pm sharp on Thursday the 7th of November at Little Sitzroy on Easter Road.
The tickets are £35 per person, and available HERE and over the counter in both shops.
See you there !
The Cornelius Team