Last year, our Leith Walk shop was blessed with a new neighbour in the form of Kilted Donut - a local legend that has returned to Leith after finding acclaim in the city centre.
Until recently, I was an avowed doughnut-sceptic, rarely venturing beyond my beloved yum yums - but the guys at KD have opened my eyes to the potential of deep fried dough balls covered in tasty stuff. I now have a delicious (possibly unhealthy?) habit and will pop in a couple of times a week to grab one of their inventive and seasonal delights.
Now, doughnuts are a notoriously difficult food to pair with booze - it takes a pretty special drink to stand up to their sweet, starchy and complex flavours: That said, I think we are more than up to the task - I have a couple wines that I think will be fantastic - and I’m sure Mark and the others have similar things in mind (also some curveballs, no doubt)
So please join us on the 13th April, for our sweetest and most indulgent tasting yet.
For the evening we will be joined by Lena from Kilted Donut who will talk you through the food as the team and I talk you through the drinks we have carefully selected to pair with them.
The tasting will start at 7pm sharp on Sunday 13th of April in Argonaut Books, at the Foot of Leith Walk. Tickets are £30 per person and available HERE or over the counter in both shops. For this you will get a flight of seven glasses and samples of seven dougnuts to line up your stomach.
See you soon !