If the empty tent isn't enough of a clue, a quick look at the calendar will tell you that it's almost time for Oktoberfest (which any fule kno is in September). Like most years we are not 100% certain of what we will be able to get our hands on, (frankly, with the big unmentionable still being a thing, I'm delighted we've got anything)
This year - in case some of the big names don't make it over here, we've sourced a few Marzen and Festbiers from outside of Munich - just to ensure a bit of variety.
The good news is we are going to have some of the worlds most famous and most lauded lagers availalable for all your late summer barbecues. They remain superb value for money and we will allways have at least a couple in the fridge
Over the next couple of weeks, these German goodies will appear in dribs and drabs and I'll add them to this page HERE - but you will always get a better idea of what's available if you speak to us direct (0131 6522405 - 12-9pm)